My Morning Routine for Creative Energy

While we often think of artists as having those fervent inspirational moments, I find that that routines are really necessary to sustain creative energy and productivity over time.

So after some trial and error, this is how I currently start every day:

Allow for a gentle start to the morning. I now purposefully set my alarm to 6:15 am, which is 15 minutes earlier than I need to wake up instead of trying to force myself to leap out of bed immediately (which really never works, bummer ā€¦ ). These days, I wake up to jazz music and have the time to slowly get up, wash my face and put on my favorite skincare.

Choose your movement. Do the exercise you most enjoy. For me that is a gentle yoga routine to stretch out, energize and reconnect with my own creative intuition. My current favorite Youtube yoga channel is yogiinmelbourne, an Aussie yogi with a soothing voice and calming sequences.

Drink a cup of tea, or two. Besides having a solid breakfast, I really enjoy a good cup of tea in the morning. I usually have a bit of Chinese green tea or matcha. I prefer the most traditional preparation methods, either with a classic porcelain gaiwan or for matcha, a whisk and chawan. This short, little ceremony performed every day provides a moment, no matter how busy, that is just for me to enjoy.

My morning routine is how I fill my cup so that creativity can pour out the rest of the day.

Do you have a favorite routine to help get you going in the morning? Do share in the comments!

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